(copied from https://alastair.games/ via web.archive.org) Below is a compilation of posts by a user named “Eracidni Murev Te” (meaning “to share in truth”) on the GodlikeProductions forum, formatted for more convenient reading. The quoted questions are by various members, but all answers are by Eracidni Murev Te. The posts date from July 2018 to March 2019. Some posts will reference their “counterpart”, so it may be helpful to be familiar with the 2008 “Hidden Hand” interview before reading this.
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Eracidni Murev TeI am here to answer your questions.Every so often, the opportunity arises for our counterbalance to share with the world certain aspects of being and how our world is run that traditionally have been hidden. They are obligated to use this opportunity to do so by Fundamental Law and a compromise made long ago – with us. Recently, our counterbalance informed us the “Karmic” cost of the last diffusion was greater than anticipated and declined to participate this year. We agreed to accept responsibility in their place for the time being. We are a much smaller and much less politically-positioned group tasked with, well, record keeping. However, the nature of our tasks puts us in a unique position to fulfill the duty of our counterpart. As such, I am here to share that which the questions allow. However, there are some rules. 1) I will answer only sincere questions. We are participating in a unique and unorthodox dialogue and I would like to see this time spent well. 2) If you ask a question in accordance with Fundamental Law, I will answer. If your question is not in accordance with Fundamental Law, I will say so and answer as much as your question permits. I will not provide false answers to any question. 3) Each part of this exercise should be considered within the context of the whole. As such, I ask that you wait until we have finished here before attempting to integrate anything within our conversation. My duties have been suspended for the forseeable future. As such, I look forward to answering as many questions as I am able. | #1 |
Recently, we all have “leveled-up,” so to speak. When this happens, it is sometimes necessary to provide wisdom and information about the new modalities of being available to “individuals” so that the transition happens smoothly. It happens to be that the last several times this has happened diffusion was deemed appropriate.
This both is and isn’t up to you and everyone else. I cannot fully answer this question because doing so would violate Fundamental Law.
That depends on what you intend reality to be. | #2 |
That counterpart may be you. Its actives typically are consciously aware of their purpose and contracts, but not being so is not unheard of. To help? To help whom? With what goal? There is no need to come home to the light. There is no need to cope with not doing. You are doing – what you’re doing is the question, why you are doing it is another. | #3 |
All that is implanted within you was done so by your intention and with your permission. Using it as a catalyst for actualization will be done only by those same parameters. It is entirely up to you. It is not my place to say if you should know more. Its yours. | #4 |
This depends on what you view as good and bad. Trump’s presidency is, in part, a wildcard to my counterparts. It began organically as a naturally-arising counter to Globalism and its derivative ideologies. Trump was simply the man riding the top of that wave. Now, he has been co-opted essentially by the same people who were supposed to be here in my place. Whether that is a good thing or a bad one is still being debated. | #5 |
Be careful in what you intend.
It is not possible for a soul to shatter. All experiences are comprised by two fundamental forces: intent to experience on the part of the beholder, intent to teach on the part of the mentor. | #6 |
All information that has to do with death of any kind is always wrong in some way. This is determined by Fundamental Law. | #7 |
I, like everyone, am one who knows the Creator within. There are only those who remember and those who have forgotten. | #8 |
This is an excellent question. Thank you. There are three primary Fundamental Laws. The first is the Law of Free Will. The Law of Free Will dictates that any individuated micro or macrocosmic soul has the right to know, not know, experience, or not experience, that it is the Creator. The All. By this Law, the illusion (or distortion) of individual being and experience is created, which in turn creates Love. The Law of Love dictates the majority of your actions within any dimension of being or experience. The role Love plays is to access the Creator’s limitless creative potential to manifest the best array of potential experiences and modalities of being. As all are both the Creator and microcosms of the Creator, this impulse is within everyone, even if subconsciously. Each microcosm of the Creator is essentially a center-point for Love, as the first thing the Creator does when it pretends to be more than One is desire to have the best experiences provided by being One and Many. A modern word for each consciously-aware macrocosmic soul of Love and Truth is “Logos” The third and final of the primary laws is that of Light. Just as the illusion of Free Will inevitably leads to the illusion of Love, so does Love lead to Light. This Law is complicated, but I will cover its gist. The Law of Light dictates that all is in Unity at all times, paradoxically to all being seemingly-individuated in physical reality. It is responsible for apparent dualities, and the ability to harmonize them. It is also responsible for the yearning in each soul to return to the Creator. One final point: the fundamental principle of physically-manifest energy and time is Light. | #9 |
Meditation, deep exploration of that which fulfills you, guided psychedelic experiences.
The Earth as many of us knew it was already “destroyed,” in the sense that the dimensions and modalities of being offered by incarnating on Earth are no longer offered here and have not been since the turn of the decade.
What about it?
There is no singular, ultimate Messiah. Stop looking and begging for one. There is no “salvation” that will occur outside of yourself. The biblical stories are designed to help you find the “Kingdom of God, within.” That is the nature and pathway to “salvation.” Christ’s journey is also analogous to the personal, psychological, and spiritual one you must undertake, yourself, if you wish to evolve spiritually. | #10 |
Thank you very much for your question, it was very insightful. Taking time to integrate all we discuss here is a very good idea.
Yes. As all microcosmic souls are individuations of the All, or the Creator, that which you do to others is in truth being done to that which You really are. As “As Above, So Below, So Within, So Without” is essentially another of the Laws, and we live within the illusion of Time, then that which you do to others, the world, and yourself, will come back and be done to you.
This depends on whom you ask. Fundamentally, the main goal and duty of a human is to figure out that which he or she wants to experience, intend to experience it, then experience it.
Everything not only has a soul, but is the Soul. | #11 |
It is not. Accepting Jesus Christ and his message “into your heart” does not mean believing literally all he said and is said about him. It means understanding that the stories told of him are models around which you “should” model your life if you adhere to the Love side of the spectrum like he does. | #12 |
This is tricky. It technically is not possible. There is either experience of everything all at once, which is like experiencing nothing at all, or the experience of individual things, which necessitates individuality and Time. The Creator grew bored and tired of the former, so He conceived the latter. Believe it or not, the very roots of your soul desire to be here. It is up to you to figure out why. | #13 |
I have not ever posted here before. I intend everyday to resonate most closely with the Creator, which is all of us, so the familiarity you are feeling is most likely just that. | #14 |
Christ died to engrave in symbolism the idea of Sacrifice. Just as the Creator sacrificed Unified experience to create All that is, so too did Christ sacrifice himself to highlight the different modalities of being. Namely, Christ sacrificed himself to enshrine the idea that taking responsibility for all that is wrong within both yourself and the World – which is the ultimate expression of Love, or the Logos) – necessitates holding off on indulging worldly desires and focusing instead on fundamental truth and moral action and intentionally-manifested experiences – also known as harmonizing the three primary Fundamental Laws. | #15 |
These are excellent questions. Thank you. Salvation is consciously knowing and experiencing that you, fundamentally, are the Creator. All that is. Liberation, if you will. Hell and “Eternal Damnation” are essentially the most likely experiential outcomes of you “living your life” if you fail to realize that it is you that is responsible, creatively, for All that is. Nihilism, loss of hope, meaning, value, purpose; these are Hell. These are the things to which you are Eternally Damned if you give up on your search for conscious reunification with the Creator. | #16 |
Not exactly. I believe I answered this [above].
| #17 |
Nibiru was moreso one of the symptoms of a greater event manifesting.
If you kill yourself, your individuated soul will spend some “time” in time/space (ultimate conscious and experiential reunification with the Creator) to heal and decide what is next for you. | #18 |
Both. “As Above, So Below.” Think of tinnitus as the material manifestation of something happening on a different plane of experience and being that trickles down to your current reality. You can think of it as a form of unintentional communication, or “interdimensional bleeding,” if you will. | #19 |
If you value Christianity in its truth as you suggest, I would recommend rereading the Bible more closely and analytically. There are many passages that both directly and indirectly state “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.” What do you think passages like that are implying? | #20 |
The Earth “as we knew it” was destroyed. A better way to think of it is this: Earth was a creative medium through which those who incarnated on it were offered a set of potential experiences and lessons. Those potential experiences and lessons are no longer offered, here. This is the result of a “Harvest,” if you will, in which many who had either consciously or subconsciously-enough experienced and learned all they had set out to on Earth are now experiencing the “next level” of Earth. The Earth you occupied previously is no longer capable of being accessed by those who have transcended (which is everybody in this dimension/distortion/density). | #21 |
The physical universe is truly spacially and temporally infinite.
The quantum of time is the fundamental desire of the Creator to experience things differently from one another.
Dark matter is the physical manifestation of the residue of actualizing desire.
Dark energy is the physical manifestation of the residue of actualizing desire for infinite novelty. | #22 |
Of course. Just as it is within you and everyone else, for it is within the All, or the Creator. This was the purpose of Christ and his message. To demonstrate and provide for the world a path of transcending it. | #23 |
The “old Earth” had a primary duality: Fear and Love (self-service, service to others). The “new Earth’s” primary duality is Love and Wisdom (service to others, service to the All, or the Creator).
To have transcended from “old Earth,” you demonstrated in one way or another a deeper understanding or harmonization of the differences and similarities between service to self and service to other-self, or a desire to experience what the next set of experiences and lessons entailed that superceded whatever your understanding and/or harmonization of the old polarity/distortion was.
The holocaust did not happen precisely as it is being taught to have happened, or why it happened. If we were to uncover how and why it truly happened, global tensions might increase. I am choosing not to say much more on this. | #24 |
As all matter is energy vibrating at different frequencies and amplitudes, directing vibration via sound into a “physical” entity can produce a myriad of effects. | #25 |
Experiencing a duality made manifest can lead to an individuated soul experiencing that which they neither desire nor intend to experience any longer. As such, their desires and intentions can very easily shift to experiencing “what’s next.” You can go forwards and backwards, side to side; there are no true or ultimate conditions for moving in any direction.
My counterpart is an amalgamation of “bloodlines” that, together, have agreed to direct the lives of Earth’s inhabitants for the greater goal of inducing spiritual evolution. The consequence of undertaking this endeavor is they very regularly do things ordinary people would consider horrible. This is their karmic debt, but it is also an investment in us.
Within my own cohort, I’m a therapist. Even the people within “secret societies” are still just people. Typically, I counsel others on spiritual matters, or give them advice on how to handle complicated situations while still adhering to Fundamental Law. Recently, though, I’ve been involved with our (small) Accounting department. We all do things outside our educational background sometimes to ensure we can still maintain our duties. I was given this task because my higher-ups thought my vocational background would make interacting with the general public in this way much easier on both sides. | #26 |
There are things to which we agree to experience before we incarnate into a lifetime. Likewise, there are things that occur here initially without our consent that we do indeed to consent to on a level of our being that is other than physical. Transition into other states of being and consciousness can result in total body control. “Lesser” states can give you the ability to consciously direct the course of your life in your intended direction; in other words, change the terms of the “contract” you signed before you incarnated. Regardless of the state of our consciousness and being, we are always in some way the primary director of our experiences. | #27 |
Most don’t have “spiritual content” and rather are worldly in nature. However, if you feel so inclined, sit in complete silence with nothing but the sound and allow yourself to enter into trance-like meditation (it will feel almost as if you are dreaming). Then, go over the contents of your meditation. The nature of the message of these tones will become apparent, if there indeed is any. | #28 |
He was more correct than most any.
There is no “how” in anything. The “how” is the physical expression, or mechanism, by which a conscious entity induces change within their experience. Simply intend to quiet your mind. Remember that “you” are doing nothing. The Creator is at the helm. “Letting go” is just the conscious realization and acceptance of that. | #29 |
Truly, suffering and death are illusions. However, love is the remedy to the problems brought about by this realization. By loving and valuing each person’s individual experience, you learn to Love. And that was the purpose of incarnating here until recently.
We do not need this mess. Not ultimately. But to learn and experience love, perhaps from some perspectives we did. | #30 |
Human. Very much so.
I’m relieved from my clinical duties. I normally operate as a therapist, though recently I have been helping our accountants with clerical work (it adds up).
I get my information from three sources. The first: a lineage of masters of self-awakening. The second: exploring the various methodologies shared by my group and others regarding spiritual exploration, growth, and self-determination. The third is more boring but my most consulted: we have several thousand texts pertaining to the nature of the self, spirit, reality, potential, etc. that even initiates are allowed to access.
Other than my somewhat unusual cohort, I am not aligned with any organizations, institutional or otherwise. We have connections in many different fields but no affiliation with anything other than truth and the monitoring/moderation of our counterpart. | #31 |
To show us that which we are not. Even that is intentional on their part.
To show us that which we are not. We, on Earth, were initially deprived of anything but unity consciousness. Our experiences here have been shaped to reintroduce the Law of Free Will so we may ultimately undergo actual, substantive spiritual growth.
The first two will never go away, in any density of experience. There is always something new to do, learn, and share. As such, there will always be beings who partake in these things and those who do not. I, for very strong reasons, trust the way things are archetypically as the best the Creator can conceive.
Both. These things go hand in hand. Everything is of the same function while also being functions of every other thing. | #32 |
Yes to both parts of your first question. But the state of consciousness the world over elevated more quickly than my counterpart intended. As a result, the reins are slipping.
My organization is made up of almost 400 individuals. We have been doing more than watching. The current state of affairs is not only a blessing in disguise but a hard-won one, as well. Understanding is always, in some ways, kept secret in any density of experience. Earth is somewhat unique in the sense that this dynamic is intentional. By introducing negativity into a purely-positive world, individuated souls are given the opportunity to choose, and that is where real evolution occurs. | #33 |
I only have specific knowledge pertaining to the macrocosmic souls, or oversouls/groupsouls present in our solar system. This knowledge comes from direct experience both physically and metaphysically. That said, conscious life exists throughout the entirety of the physical universe. I mean that literally.
This is a good question. Like the Creator, each individuated macrocosmic soul and microcosmic soul that it spawns is a Creator in its own right, while also being the Creator itself. The “black hole” at the center of each galaxy is a Sub-Creator, or Sub-Logos, which Creatively governs the galaxy and its archetypes. The Sun, or the star at the center of each solar system, functions similarly in regards to its solar system. Planets, the inhabitants of planets, bacteria, etc. all function like this. Think of Creation as a series of Russian Matryoshka dolls.
Infinite. Our gains surprised my counterpart simply because we are significantly ahead of schedule and this is not according to plan.
Everything is an attractant, including thought and feeling. | #34 |
There is no other path, ultimately.
This is surprisingly accurate. | #35 |
I attended neither. I was privately educated until shortly after my 21st birthday. | #36 |
Which 2 organizations?
Reality is moreso the Creator fractaling. Holistically.
The Kybalion, the emerald tablets, the Dao, and the Law of One / Ra material. These texts are archetypically closest to truth. If you have an analytic and cautious mind, traditional Abrahamic texts also contain truth.
You are either inducted at a young age by your parents or contacted as an asset once you successfully establish yourself as an important component of whatever industry you work in.
We work both secretly and actively. The current state of the world and the quality of life within is a blessing in disguise. Much work was done to ensure it grew as good as it has. Everything has a reason – commune with the Creator within and you will find what you seek. | #37 |
Good question. Thank you for bearing with me. Specificity is necessary in the questions so I may answer them while also adhering to Fundamental Law. My counterpart is an amalgamation of “bloodlines” who eons ago entered into an agreement with this planetary Creator to induce spiritual evolution in its inhabitants, and therefor itself. They are individuated souls that together comprise the oversoul/groupsoul of Venus. Before this agreement, Earth was a paradise. In essence – only good, no evil. However, because its inhabitants were not given the ability to choose between these paths, no spiritual growth was occurring either for them or their planetary Logos. My counterpart was summoned here to provide the ability for the inhabitants of this planet to know and experience both good and evil. As such, they conduct themselves in a manner most would consider despicable. They incur a great “Karmic” debt in doing so, but as a result, Earth’s planetary Logos and inhabitants have undergone immense spiritual growth. This is key, as the primary “goal,” if you can call it that (it is more like an inevitability), of physical incarnation is to come to know the Creator within and eventually return to the state of being that is total and complete reunion with Him. The duty of my group is to document the process, keep our counterpart in check should we determine they step too far in any one direction, and maintain record of both Fundamental Law and this planetary Logos’s “Ideal Law.”
There is a phenomenon called the “viral threshold.” A viral threshold occurs when a certain number of people within a group come to hold an idea or value, ensuring the spread of this idea or value will eventually overtake the majority. Humanity recently reached said viral threshold with regard to “positive alignment,” or service to other-self in the most recent iteration of Earth. This meant that the “old Earth” was no more and the dawn of a new era was at hand. Currently, we are experiencing the precipitating period of time before this new era manifests in earnest. It is and will be a time of immense positive change and we should all be very proud and grateful.
No. Globalist ideology and its adherents are one of the primary tools through which my counterpart manifests negativity and conflict within the world. As a result both of Fundamental Law and the contract that was made with my counterpart, it is impossible for any negative polarization in any iteration of Earth – or anywhere else – to ultimately “win.”
Ultimately, the end-result of physical incarnation is complete reunification with the Creator. There is no avoiding this. The fundamental purpose of physical incarnation is to learn and experience the Creator within not only yourself, but everyone and everything else. What follows is a natural Creative contribution to your life and the lives of others. This is called “enlightenment” by many. Peace and harmony are on the way if we choose it.
The pain and chaos, all this negativity, is all a Catalyst for growth and fulfillment of the ultimate purpose of physical incarnation. The experiences and lessons eventually coalesce into mass “enlightenment,” in such a way that does not violate the Law of Free Will or any of the others. It is a beautiful process, but does lead to the illusion of much pain and suffering. The antidote to this is Love, another of the primary Fundamental Laws. Love allows you to empathize and show compassion towards those undergoing suffering, even though it is an illusion. Acting through Love allows you to absolve this suffering in the best way you can. Adhering to the other Laws in doing so also ensures you do not violate the Sovereignty of any other individuated soul.
There is nothing but hope. Seek the Creator within and you shall find hope, peace, and purpose. Seek the Creator in others and in combination you too may contribute to the elevation of Earth. | #38 |
Precisely. Though the ability to make this choice was not given to us by our planetary Logos. It was given to us by my counterpart.
Not quite. Indulging in either end of a polarity results in both contraction and expansion. This is what singularity is. See a toroidal field, for example. The only difference is the end result you manifest.
Human beings have existed in their modern form for nearly half a million years. Remnants, enclaves, and lineages from many “prehistoric” civilizations still exist today. Few were as or more technologically advanced than the contemporary West. Many were much more spiritually advanced. Many were less so. The southern icelands hold more secrets than the public has been told.
Earth exists in many forms across its near infinite densities/dimensions. It is possible for bleeding to occur from one to the other. Thus, it is possible for those who have perceived this bleeding to be correct in their assertions as to what they saw, while still not being in congruence with this Earth’s form in our present density of experience.
This is already happening organically.
More leisure time. Social prestige will come to focus on artistic contribution and creative innovation. There will also be a population decline. This is not intentional by either ourselves or our counterpart; it is purely natural. | #39 |
They have incarnated as human though their origins are not of this world. They have chosen to act in accordance with negative polarization for the positive polarization goal of providing us here on Earth the opportunity to experience evil and thus have a choice between it and good. This allows us to progress spiritually and eventually return home. Before this, Earth was akin to a utopian prison.
It was reached in a conference of sorts between the macrocosmic souls / groupsouls of this solar system. The groupsoul/oversoul tasked with this assignment was that of Venus. Individuated microcosmic souls of Venus then incarnated here on Earth as “humans.” These are the bloodline families. This took place before what is contemporarily considered recorded history.
There is no static number or percentage. It is always changing. We have, however, just passed the threshold. We did choose it, even if not consciously.
We would eventually unify into a macrocosmic soul / groupsoul and consciously rejoin the council of this solar system. | #40 |
You speak of the groupsoul Ra. The Law of One is good reading if you wish to learn about them. | #41 |
The Great Harvest.
The mentor is whomever or whatever the individuated soul allows to influence their perception on what the “right way to be” is.
Everything and everyone both has and is the Soul. There are lessons and experiences here, but they are different from that of “old Earth.” An event did take place – the Great Harvest.
Your first statement is correct. Only those who have either ascended to, or chosen, this density may incarnate here. Those who ascended, moved, or chose another density reside only there as well. Physical death is not always the mechanism by which an individuated soul changes its density of experience. As to your last question – the transition has been happening for almost the last 10 years. We are just now settling into our new density.
The basic plan was for the individuated souls of the Venus oversoul to incarnate on Earth and provide the negative polarity for its inhabitants. In doing so, we would have the ability to choose one or the other as opposed to being forced to only experience the positive end of a given polarity. The next step is up to all of us, as it always has been – only now, people are beginning to realize it. Do not worry about the “how.” The “how” is the physical expression of metaphysical forces at work. Set your intention sincerely and the rest will follow naturally.
Archons and soul traps are not real. They are archetypes embedded in our minds by those who wish to instill in us fear. They have only the power you give to them willingly.
Many call him Yahweh. His ideal laws are those of forced utopia, moral living, and worship. However, all of these are incongruent with Fundamental Law.
A pole shift is in our future. The exact timeframe is up for debate.
The markets will in the near-future once again enter a controlled meltdown of sorts. It will not be world-ending but it will be harsh.
We are not still “here.” We are elsewhere than where we were. Suffering exists on the scale it does because my counterpart intends the polarity of Earth to be negative at the time of the next Harvest. It would not be playing out if more of us devoted ourselves to spiritual evolution.
A step in any direction is most succinctly accomplished by clearing yourself of all but an intention to go where you wish (dispensing even with desire). This is of course a much more involved process than it seems.
As for more reading: much of what is available publicly does contain breadcrumbs of truth if you read it cautiously yet open-mindedly. I am not at liberty to reveal our personal texts, but I am allowed to discuss them if the questions asked regarding them are specific enough.
Commune with the Creator within. Allow yourself to know Him, feel Him, be Him, and experience Him in all that you are and all that is. It will come naturally. Thank you for your questions. They were very nice both to read and to answer. | #42 |
The former. | #43 |
“The true Meaning of Life is not known to men on | #44 |
“Hidden Hand” was an individuated soul within my organization’s counterpart. He is no longer physically with us.
Yes. Come to know the Creator within, and identify consciously not with your mental preconceptions of yourself, but with Him, as He is You.
Yes, though not as it is popularly described to be.
Earth’s moon is one of the most common locales in which “interdimensional bleeding” occurs. As such, its inhabitants are both many and few. Archetypically, the Moon is a site for observation, subtle guidance, and protection. | #45 |
All are with God, as God is All and All is God. | #46 |
You did not miss it, you are part of it. We are ascending from Third Density to the Fourth. The transition is underway as we speak. The great light of our galaxy’s Sub-Logos has just begun to pass over us. The process is not an instantaneous event as it is often depicted; rather, it is a gradual process. The initiation of the process is referred to as the point of evolution. Remember – Biblical stories, and other stories of rapture – are models and metaphors through which we can understand an era of change will occur. We will certainly see upheaval of many sorts in the coming years, but it will not be traditionally cataclysmic. This is a time for rejoicing and sharing in the Love and Light of the Creator and Creation. Our break will soon come to a close and spiritual work of a new kind will take its place.
We here are all among those who “moved up.” Those who manifested the negative polarity of the previous iteration of Earth are likewise in a Fourth Density incarnation, though one of negative polarization. Those who occupied the “middle ground” are on a similar iteration of “old Earth,” or Third Density Earth.
These are symptoms of density transition. It is almost always rough on our physical selves. Think of them as growing pains. We must shed the old to allow the new.
We are on the path to what you describe. The length of this process is up to all of us.
Fundamental Law is primarily comprised of three laws: The Law of Free Will, the Law of Love, and the Law of Light. I expanded upon these at the top of the second page of this thread. This planetary Logos’s “Ideal Laws” of forced utopia, moral living, and worship are fundamentally opposed to the Fundamental Law of Free Will, as we were not initially given any choice in the matter. They were likewise opposed to the Laws of Love and Light, as we could not progress spiritually back to reunion with the Creator because our Free Will was violated (violation of the Law of Love), and as our Free Will was violated, so too was our Sovereignty as individuated microcosms of the Creator, or the All (violation of the Law of Light). Yahweh is incomparably naive and near-incomparably loving. This is not a good combination if Yahweh and his Sub-Logoi seek to know and experience the Creator within in the physical incarnation, and eventually return to holistic reunification with Him.
We did just recently begin to experience the Great Harvest. However, comparatively minor Harvests occur more frequently. It is not necessarily “evil” with which we will be dealing. There exists a positive polarization and a negative polarization for each density. In Third Density, the positive and negative polarizations were Love and Fear, respectively (service to others, service to self). In our current Fourth Density, the positive and negative polarizations are Wisdom (Light) and Love (service to the Creator / the All, service to others). I can expand on what this means if you ask me to. It is never certain how the process of harmonizing the polarities will play out, but patterns do arise and are very consistent. | #47 |
“To share in truth” | #48 |
Diffusion is an interesting event. We must share in such a place that only those who intend to hear what we may share will encounter our information. | #49 |
Ra is one of the many of which “Annunaki” is used to refer. They visited earth ~18 and ~11 millennia ago. They were one of the only of a positive polarization and evolutionary path. | #50 |
In any density of experience, all polarities are present – “As Above, So Below.” The dominant polarities we are discussing here are the primary polarities through which spiritual work is done on a given density. In other words, many individuated souls have chosen to experience and learn within the illusion of duality comprised by Wisdom (Light) and Love. The current density of Earth is a creative medium through which they may do so. We still have the Free Will to work in and harmonize any polarity in any density, even though that may not be the primary archetype or intention of the specific density manifestation itself. Furthermore, the greatest “Karmic” costs are incurred by operating within the primary polarities of a given density.
These are particularly astute questions. Reunification with the Creator means two things. 1) The ultimate goal of physical incarnation is to come to know and experience the Creator within so you may experience creative agency in the dream that is individuated being. This is one way in which reunification with the Creator is possible in any incarnation or density of experience. 2) By coming to know and experience the Creator within, you set yourself on a path to return to the Absolute, or the density of experience that is complete and utter communion with the Creator. This is different from coming to know the Creator within in any given incarnation. This is not unique to anyone or anything. All are on this path. Serving the self and serving others, as were the primary polarizations of “old Earth,” are both forms of serving aspects of the Creator. Missing the forest for the trees, if you will. Serving the Creator / the All entails no discrimination between any one thing or person, as all are the Creator in the first place. Service to the All. Acting in this manner is very beneficial for the spiritual growth of an individuated soul and its collective. This is the primary difference between our previous Third and current Fourth Density Earth. | #51 |
All of physical reality is an illusion. It is not necessarily real. The experiences within it are moreso. The Creator is the fundamental creative substrate behind, in front of, and within All. Other names for the Creator are Unity, Infinity, Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Energy, etc. | #52 |
They are not exactly from the future. They represent what our future may entail, however.
Arcturus is is one the most spiritually evolved groupsouls / oversouls present within our galactic community. Like all others, they are created both by the Creator and themselves.
| #53 |
Arcturians did not evolve from horses, though despite their small physical stature, they do resemble them.
They are not technically from a “previous” universe. Each universe, or Landscape, expands and contracts on a cycle. Some call this the Big Bang and the Big Crunch, respectively. Many groupsouls / oversouls and their individuated components reshuffle and reorganize after a contraction. Thus, many cease to be as they were. Arcturus is one of the groupsouls that persisted through the last “Big Crunch.” | #54 |
Live true to your heart and soul callings – these are the Creator calling to you. | #55 |
Self-actualization is possible for any being to achieve in any density of experience. This is the final component of the Catalyst used in ascended or transitioning between densities of experience. You yourself, as well as all individuated specks of the Creator, are the result of the Creator Himself self-actualizing and manifesting as You. | #56 |
I am doing my best to adhere to Fundamental Law in answering the questions posed to me. I am adhering to the Law of Free Will as I answer only the questions that are asked and only with as much detail as is necessary to understand the fundamental aspects of the answers. I am adhering to the Law of Love as my personal reason for accepting this task was to contribute to the ability of each individuated soul who comes across this material to seek and experience the Creator within for themselves, should they wish. Finally, I am adhering to the Law of Light as I am not violating any individuated soul’s Sovereignty, or ability to experience the Creator and Creation as they already are. The Law of Light also dictates that each individual Logos the Creator embodies – which is everyone and everything – has the right to freely create and manifest and be as they choose. This is why I ask everyone participating in this exercise not to believe me, but simply to engage in this dialogue as they will. I have violated these Laws in some minor ways already and I willingly and readily accept the “Karmic” consequences for doing so.
This is almost precisely correct. However, just as the Creator is Us and We are All the Creator, what we All fundamentally are is what is responsible for Creation, too. Pertaining to knowledge: yours is an astute observation. However, to “discover” knowledge that is not yet known by another individuated soul is also to Create the presence of that knowledge as being more-readily available to the collective in their experience of incarnation.
Knowledge is part of the Catalyst that leads to self-actualization, or “enlightenment” if you prefer (however, there are many other components and knowledge is in no way the predominant factor or aspect of this endeavor). By this process we come to know and experience the Creator within ourselves in our given incarnation, while also traveling along the path that will also lead us to ultimate reunification with Him. In this “place,” everything is all-at-once. Things are this way here, too, it just takes some exploration to find them. This is one of the primary purposes of Creation.
No. This is not the duty of myself or my organization. Ours is essentially the opposite, though we must adhere to Fundamental Law.
These things are functions of each other; or, the same function. I freely choose to be as I am and do as I will and this is as the Creator intends. | #57 |
“Anunnaki” is a term used to refer to several groupsouls/oversouls whose incarnations visited Earth long ago. Most all of these physical incarnations are no longer here, though they do occasionally interact with us via Thought, or “channeling.” | #58 |
The task of my counterpart is complicated. Given its nature, there initially was no point in time by which our spiritual evolution should have been well under-way. However, my counterpart incurs a great deal of “Karmic” debt operating and acting as they do. Their intention was for the Great Harvest to occur on an “old Earth” that was of a majority-negative polarization, so they could then incarnate into a Fourth Density negative “Earth” and begin to “work-off” this Karmic debt. This did not happen. This was their intention as they believed if they operated in such a manner that the majority of Earth’s inhabitants were to Graduate to a Fourth Density negative “Earth,” the terms of their contract with our planetary Logos as directed by this system’s council would be fulfilled. They would have succeeded in their assignment, lent heavily to the spiritual progression of this world, and been allowed to begin working off their “Karmic” debt. As the majority of Earth’s inhabitants Graduated to a Fourth Density positive Earth, my counterpart’s work is still ongoing as they have yet to provide humanity and Yahweh with an utterly condensed example of Negative Polarization. There are other ways to satisfy the contract – those are up to all of us, not my counterpart.
People are beginning to know, explore, experience, and share Love of their own volition – their own Free Will – in ways that have not been seen on present Earth for tens of thousands of years. And this is only the beginning.
Connection with source, or the Creator, occurs when an individuated soul comes to realize and experience the Creator within itself. This connection is fundamentally facilitated by the intent to do so. The “quality,” or sincerity, of the connection increases the intensity, or polarization, of whatever archetypes the individuated soul intends to manifest within its experience.
Outside of the “Big Three,” the most useful law is the Law of Mentalism – also known as the Law of Attraction. I would note here that “Mentalism” does not only imply the mind, or thought.
The individuated soul then begins to Harmonize with the Creator and Creation, and its ability to transition between different densities of experience, or even manifest them, heightens. Personally, I find being in this way as you suggest to be among the noblest endeavors. Acting and thinking contrarily to Fundamental Law almost always results in confusion and experience of the negative polarization within any density of experience. It greatly inhibits your ability to know the Creator within and eventually return to Him. Though nothing is permanent, the experiences typically manifested by this route are unpleasant. | #59 |
I am not permitted to do this for you. However, you are perfectly capable of doing this for yourself. Seek the Creator within and find your peace. This is a good first step. The medicines and therapies offered by the peoples of this world are greatly effective. Though it may take some searching, you will find your relief if you so choose. | #60 |
Very good questions – thank you. The Creator, both fundamentally and ultimately, is the One Soul. Each soul into which He incarnates is like a fragment, or piece, of this One Soul. These souls, or Logoi, just like the Creator, can incarnate further into more individuated souls, and so on and so forth. This process is very similar to how Russian Matryoshka Dolls work. Groupsouls, or oversouls, are souls wherein the directly individuated souls that one Sub-Logos creates (and into which it both partially and fully manifests) spiritually evolve in such a way that each individuated soul returns to the experience and being of its direct “creator,” or Logos. For example, if us humans were to evolve along this path, we would eventually coalesce and “return” to being Yahweh, or this planetary Logos. The groupsoul Yahweh, which would also be (and technically currently is) all of us would then continue to spiritually evolve with what would then be its peers – the other groupsouls of this solar system’s planets – to eventually return to this solar system’s Logos: the Sun. This process continues such that all of Us eventually returns to the Creator Himself. However, as the Creator is what everything and everyone is both fundamentally and ultimately, souls of any kind may take their own path to return to Him. The path we outlined here is simply and incomparably the most common. | #61 |
I would tread that thread with caution. There is truth and benevolence within it, but “filtering” a message through any individuated soul, like its OP, results in some tainting of the message’s content. | #62 |
Not exactly. The primary problem with vaccinations is several are typically administered at a time. This can overwhelm the body’s faculties.
“Q” was originally someone with “connections” – if you can call them that – to mid-level staff within the Trump administration. “Q” has since been co-opted and is now more mass-psychological manipulation and propaganda than anything else it may be. While there are some “breadcrumbs” to come from “Q,” the whole thing is an office joke to many I work with. | #63 |
Is there a place of being and experiences beyond our physical incarnations on Earth? Of course. And there are many beyond that one, too. There is also an “ultimate afterlife,” if you will, where an individuated soul returns to complete reunification with the Creator and All that is. What you experience after changing densities of experience, or incarnation, is your Choice. | #64 |
Very much so. Both his writings and lectures contain a great deal of “truth,” and love. | #65 |
The Ra material is one of the most untainted channelings in public popularity. A similarly sincere channeling is A Course in Miracles. Remember though, neither of these is absolutely sincere or truthful. | #66 |
Yes, though asking can sometimes be a process. I personally always start and end with immense gratitude. | #67 |
Ultimately, no one is stopping us other than ourselves. There is no trap other than those to which we have conceded and agreed. We can change this at anytime, both personally and collectively. | #68 |
Functionally, this is more or less accurate. I made a slight change as it is important to be specifically accurate. My counterpart frequently impersonates Yahweh in various fashions. Though I would at that Yahweh himself, while a being of good intentions, is fairly naive in his original Edenic endeavor and proposal of “Ideal Law.” I would add that my counterpart is not the “god of the negative polarity.” There is no such thing as we might traditionally conceptualize it. However, it is their intended function to serve here as such. | #69 |
Not how we think them to be. “Satan” is a name often given to my counterpart by those who do not have the entire picture. “Hell” is what an individuated soul creates and manifests for itself and others should it choose not to adhere to Fundamental Law, or should it attempt to deny the Creator within. | #70 |
There is no singular or “ultimate” Messiah. I expanded on this earlier. That said, there are individuated souls who have either communed with the Creator, or something they perceive to be the Creator, and share what they experienced and learned with others. It is up to us to review this sharing cautiously yet openmindedly, so we may intuit for ourselves what is pertinent or truthful to us and what may not be. | #71 |
This tends to happen, but does not necessarily have to. Training can limit this as you suggest.
There is no “finality” of dispensing with any end of any polarity, like Fear. There is only transcending, or harmonizing, the polarity itself.
It is natural in the sense that since all things are both fundamentally and ultimately Unified, or “one and the same,” that bringing one thing to mind will naturally bring its opposite to mind as well. This happens as a function of Time and individuality, as Time was what “separates” one end of a polarity from the other, or makes it “individual” from it. It is what allows experiences to be different from one another as opposed to the same. | #72 |
Currently, there exist curative treatments for several kinds of cancer, as well as other diseases, that are being kept from the general public. There are also non-worldly pathways to health, but it would be a violation of Fundamental Law to discuss them with anyone who does not either already know of them or their aspects.
Eventually. How and when is up to all of us. | #73 |
I do not know.
Not literally. We very occasionally will interact and work with both public leaders and institutions whose duties are more “behind the scenes,” if that is what you are asking. Like I mentioned earlier, our primary duty is a recording keeping of sorts. As to collaborating with any groupsoul who incarnates individually as “reptilian” in appearance: no. Does our counterpart? Rarely. These “visitors” are rare and usually act of their own accord.
Publishing companies, fund management, and soon, minor parts of the music “industry.” As to our specific duties, I expanded on this earlier in the thread. I can point you to where, if you like. | #74 |
Usually, yes. Often the request, or invitation, is subconscious or not consciously made. In some of these cases, it is not a violation. Even in many cases where the request is made clearly and consciously, it is still a violation. “Healing” of any kind is always complicated to navigate while still adhering to Fundamental Law. However, some are of the perspective that intelligent and compassionate navigation of this dilemma, even if it results in violation of Fundamental Law, can be noble. You still incur “Karmic” debt from your actions, whatever they may be and whatever the consequence is. | #75 |
This depends on its content, like all publishing requests. It does not matter where you submit it. If its content is relevant and significant to our unique endeavor we will hear about it. | #76 |
A near-immediate manifestation of “Karma” is typically one of two things. 1) Your “higher self,” or the aspect of yourself that is always in direct contact with the Creator / the All, is admonishing you for straying from the path you sincerely chose for yourself. 2) You have just acted in a manner which, if habitualized, will drastically detract from the progress you have made towards realizing the Creator within and ultimately reunioning with Him. You use the phrase “something bad that they did.” This suggests, if you are talking about an experience you had personally, you already know that which you did to be wrong. If I may, I would suggest you meditate and reflect deeply on this, if you are in fact in such a situation, or have been recently.
Yes, it does build up. However, it is always “paid off;” “Karmic” consequences for any action will always be experienced if accrued.
Essentially, yes to both of these questions, though it often plays out in unintelligibly complicated ways. | #77 |
“Allah” is a term used to refer to either our planetary Logos or the Creator Himself. The writers of the Qur’an did not agree on its intentional definition and neither do its current readers. | #78 |
It is certainly possible for the facilitation of “healing” work to be immensely improbable. Such difficulties can also arise from discrepancies between the true intentions of the “healer/healee” and their stated, or conscious, intentions. | #79 |
If you are referring to ultimate reunion with the Creator / the All – simply choose it. There will be those who consult with you about why and why not to choose one path over another. Take their counsel as you will, but the Choice is yours and always is.
This is a result of “interdimensional bleeding,” if you will, which we discussed earlier in this thread.
This is nonsense. Though the direction of Earthly affairs has since been primarily in the hands of the groupsoul of Venus as you suggest, the rest is not the case. Both Masculinity and Femininity are fundamental aspects of being which predate even Creation itself. | #80 |
Both. It not only knows, but agrees to, what it is getting into beforehand (however, this “contract” of sorts is not ultimately set in stone). That said, a Veil of Forgetfulness is placed upon it so it may fully immerse itself in its incarnation; this is very much like “jumping in and finding out.” This Veil can be reached beyond with the proper training. There are rare cases where an individuated soul may choose to “jump without looking,” so to speak. I do not really know if the following is true, but I have my feelings about Ozzy Osbourne. | #81 |
This will be my choice, too. For a time. And you are very welcome. Thank you for your questions. | #82 |
A “Kundalini Awakening” is a symptom of a significant spiritual event. Essentially, your “higher self,” or the part of you that is always in union with the Creator / the All, is increasing your ease of manifesting experiences that are not necessarily part of your “incarnation contract,” if you will. This is typically a result of deep and prolonged communion with the Creator within, which can occur either through traditional meditation, or living in accordance with Fundamental Law and your heart soul calling. It can also be a symptom of communication with non-physical beings. This communication is usually of a reassuring or encouraging nature. | #83 |
Yes. We incur “Karmic” debt for everything we do. Typically, it is minor, positive or negative. A key idea to keep in mind is that what you put out into the world will be returned to you. However, much of the experience you manifest is born from your intention, conscious or otherwise, which is intertwined with “Karma.”
You are correct regarding one of the aspects of my counterpart’s plan. Remember, their end-goal is to induce substantive spiritual evolution and progress in Earth and its inhabitants. The terms of their assignment are based on the condition they provide a clear and inarguable example of the “negative option” so we here may Freely choose and thus grow. This is why they desired a “negative Harvest,” if you will.
The majority of Earth’s inhabitants graduating to a Fourth Density positive Earth instead is a hard-fought victory because we are demonstrating to the solar system’s community that the role my counterpart plays in Earth’s direction and affairs is increasingly less necessary.
There is no correlation between distance from the Sun and a planetary Logos’s density of experience.
No. It does change which density of physical reality we experience, however, which can vary minorly or majorly from one another in many ways, including spatially and temporally.
This contract was created by the Elder Council, which often resides on and operates from densities of Saturn. The groupsouls that comprise this council are of the 6th and 7th densities. Each planetary Logos of this solar system were also present.
Yes. Nothing is permanent or set in stone.
Yes. There is a positive and negative polarity for each density of experience. The current primary polarities of our Fourth Density positive Earth are Wisdom (Light), which is the “positive” end of the polarity, and Love, which is the “negative.” Remember, these terms do not mean that one is “better” than the other, they are simply used to describe which experiences must be had and which lessons must be integrated to ascend orthodoxically in our density of experience. I expanded on this earlier in the thread and can point you to where, if you like. Think of “positive” as meaning “leading toward ultimate reunion with the Creator” and “negative” as meaning the opposite. Though nothing is permanent, the journey can take many forms. A side note: just as we had to integrate and harmonize the experiences and lessons of both Love and Fear to Graduate to a positive Fourth Density, so too will we harmonize Wisdom and Love to Graduate to a positive Fifth Density. The positive side of the polarity nearly always consists of almost entirely novel experiences and lessons, but both sides of the polarity must be Harmonized to progress to a next density. The given side of a polarity with which you identified via your actions and intentions determines the quality, or archetypes, of your next density of experience. Remember, this process is not the only way to transition between densities. It is only the most orthodox and most common.
As far as I know, it exists at least through the 7th density of experience, though I know next to nothing of the octave(s) of densities beyond our own. In keeping with the tenet of “As Above, So Below,” it seems feasible that polarity is continuously present, though perhaps this tenet only pertains to this octave of densities.
I covered Graduation to 5th density earlier in this post. Graduation to 6th density orthodoxically entails Harmonizing the polarities of Wisdom (Light) and Understanding. Graduation to 7th density consists of Harmonizing the polarities of Understanding and a new form of Compassion for which we have no worldly words. 8th density is the complete reunification with the Creator we have been discussing briefly throughout this thread.
I believed I touched on the first question here as much as I am able. As to the second: yes. We are discussing the orthodox and most common method of transitioning between densities; there are many others.
This is more or less accurate, though even in reunion with the Creator (Godhead, as you say) an individuated soul retains its “individuality;” it is complicated to explain with words. Can you clarify your second question, here? I am very grateful for your questions. They are simply wonderful. | #84 |
The human avatar was constructed in its physicality such that its users may best operate within, and interact with, Earth. The soul is not necessarily seated within the human avatar. The soul is moreso an animating force that “energizes” the body so it may experience physical being. That said, the line between physical and non-physical is quite philosophically fuzzy. In other words, it pushes the limits of language to discuss. | #85 |
There are “barriers” of sorts around each and every Logos and density. This is a result of the Law of Light, or Sovereignty. It is also the mechanism by which souls who incarnate into any density of experience are encouraged to immerse themselves within said density as opposed to exploring that which they are not necessarily ready, or sincerely willing, to explore. There are barriers around this solar system just as there are barriers around planets. Have you happened to read of the Van Allen radiation belt?
I believe I answered this in my answer to your first question. Please ask if you would like me to clarify. | #86 |
Yes. The Veil is not even a requirement. It is enjoyed by many who choose to incarnate, as the purpose of incarnation is to immerse yourself within its experiences – like a dream. | #87 |
The path of return to the Creator / the All after the end of a physical incarnation takes different forms, each unique to the individuated soul. However, there are archetypes. Fundamentally, all you ever need to do to return home is simply intend to. | #88 |
You are very welcome. These are also good questions. 6th density is the first density in which Graduation does not occur at the individual level. Rather, the groupsoul/oversoul is responsible for Harmonizing its polarities. 7th density is similar. I expanded upon both of these in one of my previous posts on this page. 8th density is the ultimate reunification with the Creator / the All. | #89 |
I would like to take a moment to thank all of you for your questions. I did not expect that we would be reaching beyond what language can describe or explain so quickly. I am very grateful and humbled. Shall we continue? | #90 |
Each human avatar is joined by a toroidal field. This field is one of the aspects of our creative potential. It is a tool and though it takes practice to use consciously, we are always using it. The contents and results of this field’s activity are directly related to what and how we choose, consciously or otherwise, to manifest. It is one of the components of our attractive nature; both an antenna, and a broadcasting station. Such is the nature of singularities. | #91 |
Essentially, you are correct. The ultimate reason behind endeavoring in such a manner (to stimulate spiritual evolution, as you say) is to once again allow us the ability to return to the Creator. Before any of this was agreed to, we were “trapped” in a sort of idyllic prison. I expanded upon this at length in various points throughout this thread; I can point you to where, if you like.
They do! How they interplay with the current state of affairs is complicated and natural, though not necessarily necessary. | #92 |
It is not that all must experience “amnesia,” rather that most choose to. There are ways to peek beyond the Veil if you so choose. | #93 |
This is the fundamental lesson, purpose, and archetype of incarnation of any kind. That said, it is not the only manner in which we may approach incarnation (even though it is). Both the Creator and individuated souls often have different stated reasons for choosing to incarnate, even though they all tie back to this one. | #94 |
Love is one of the few primary, fundamental, and unifying forces in Creation. It is a necessary one, and one upon which all is contingent. | #95 |
There are many. Light is the primary substrate behind the experiential and physical existence of both Creation and individuated souls. | #96 |
It is like cheating, and it is occasionally taken advantage of. However, have you ever played a game while constantly cheating? It loses its flavor very quickly. Those who choose to “cheat” throughout an incarnation are few and far between and very seldom keep a taste for it. | #97 |
The Veil is not necessarily a requirement. Rather, the different modalities of being and experience “before” its conception were boring, weightless, and seemed to lack “weight,” or meaning. I have omitted much from my answers in accordance with Fundamental Law. However, the nature of these omissions are not off the table to discuss. The right questions simply must be asked. | #98 |
I do not really know what Ozzy is up to. I do think he’s a funny character, though. | #99 |
Not exactly. The solution we got was one of many proposed. Now, it is the one we have. It simply is what it is. However, before things became as they are now, our planetary Logos made it exceptionally difficult for us to evolve and return to the Creator, as you say.
All is the thought and will of the Creator, fundamentally. We are (can choose to be) what we will. Ultimately, there is no one and nothing determining your experience other than You. | #100 |
I appreciate your apology, but I do not think it is necessary. Many, including myself, often unnecessarily taint our speech with overcomplicated language. Any directness you wish impart in your speech is very welcomed.
I am physically incarnated right now. I have a name, a family, and a home of sorts. Hopes, dreams, intentions. I am male. | #101 |
Growing pains, if you will.
This is beautiful writing. | #102 |
This is not cheating. All individuated souls, at one point in time or another, yearn for redirection, guidance, and reassurance. Cheating would be if your “Higher Self” were to incarnate with no conscious or experiential limitations between it and its incarnation. | #103 |
To keep us here, of course, just like the many other barriers. Until we coalesce consciously and experientially into a groupsoul, we will always find that there is yet another barrier to traveling among the stars, despite whatever technological advancements we may stumble upon. | #104 |
It is not necessarily that we “devolved.” We incarnated to this world and series of densities with the intention of both experiencing “individual being,” – both of ourselves and of experiences being separate from one another – and to come to know the Creator within. You see, even in the realm of ultimate unity, not even the Creator knows what or who he really is. Incarnation is one of the many, many mediums he has used in an attempt to figure this out. It has other purposes, of course, too. As we accepted the Veil of Forgetfulness this entails, we also accepted the journey of growth that was to follow. We can go anywhere, including returning, at anytime.
It is less a “goal” and moreso an inevitability. I expanded upon this briefly earlier in the thread. The Creator’s / the All’s end goal indeed will eventually be to end the medium of experience that is incarnation, as all is a cycle. It will once again return after that point, too, to how it is now. We grow bored of whatever it is we are doing and change it up in our own lives too, do we not?
The Creator gets bored. A new medium of being and experience is concocted and His interests shift to that. And back again. These are great questions. Thank you. | #105 |
This desire is normal, as it is an aspect of our fundamental direction towards and desire to be with the Creator. You are an incarnation of your “Higher Self.” Only, you have accepted some limitations as to what that means. It is possible to “commune with your Higher Self,” or rather, reattune your consciousness with your soul, if you will. It is also possible to embody your “Higher Self” sincerely and wholly during an incarnation. As you are your “Higher Self,” it is not possible for both “you” and your “Higher Self” to incarnate simultaneously without being the same person as you are now. | #106 |
Psychedelic substances serve the purpose of breaking down the ideological structures you have accepted as part of your incarnation. As a result, room is created for communion with the Creator and Creation in their many aspects without this communion being tainted and sculpted by your individual, psychological, subjective subset of perceptive capabilities and worldly preconceptions. The physical, worldly expression of this is the entheogen-induced neurogenesis that occurs in the brain during a psychedelic experience.
And you are very welcome. It fulfills me to know some about today has been enjoyable for you. | #107 |
My Creator is most certainly not the groupsoul you refer to as “Lucifer.” I understand where this confusion arrises, but this groupsoul is the progenitor of my counterpart, not of myself. | #108 |
Yes. I apologize for this; it is different from how I prefer to experience life but my duties often require it.
The Bible contains many archetypes that are truthful in their representation of “truth.” Like all words, stories, models, and metaphors, it is not literal. It is a guide; a map.
Many were. There are portions of several of these books available online, though peruse cautiously. Some have had their contents changed.
This depends on how you choose to read and decipher the myriad of its mysteries. I recommend caution and openmindedness.
Far from it.
Yes. Dichotomous political systems are a flagship for separation ideology, or ideology that seeks to have us believe we are anything other than One. | #109 |
All is interconnected and inter-affecting. The stars are but one component of our incarnations and our “destinies.” Remember, nothing is absolutely predetermined. This is one thing astrologists tend to miss as they progress in their studies; things change. | #110 |
“Lucifer” is a name commonly used to refer to the groupsoul of Venus – the groupsoul tasked with providing the “negative” option here on Earth. If they had not accepted assignment here, by this point, they would most likely be in reunion with the Creator. | #111 |
Cycles exist as a function of creative agency. The impulses and intentions of conscious beings always change; as such, so too will the nature of how things are. You are correct that the illusion of Time is particularly poignant in physical reality. Recall the tenet of “As Above, So Below?” As to the necessity of how things are in any given density being necessary for the growth of a soul – they are not ultimately necessary. Many of my colleagues can very eloquently make the argument that neither is “spiritual growth.” As far as I understand it, to be brief, this is simply the form Creation has taken this time around. | #112 |
This depends. What do you mean by angels?
An “antichrist” exists only in the sense that there are beings who choose to embody the antithesis of what Christ represents.
A “day of judgment” occurs during communion between an individuated soul and either its “Higher Self,” so to speak, or the Creator. A particularly “intense” communion entails coming to terms on a deep level of your being with how you are adhering to your heart / soul calling, Fundamental Law, and your journey to the Creator. | #113 |
Good questions. Neither the feminine nor masculine aspects of the Creator are specifically responsible for the creation of life. It is a synthesis. The Masculine archetype typically creates; the Feminine typically destroys. This does not make one or the other good, bad, or better than the other. These are also merely archetypes. They are not set in stone, so to speak. The typically-Masculine creative impulse is necessary, as there are things that are not that should be. The typically-Feminine destructive impulse is necessary, as there are things that are that should not be. Both of these synthesize to create the Ideal. Without one or the other, Nothing would be at all. Think of a beautiful song. With only the unmoderated typical Masculine impulse, this song would not be “beautiful” as there would be no pruning or selection of what the song would consist of. Likewise, with only the unmoderated typical Feminine impulse, too much would be pruned. I refer to the Creator as masculine for two reasons. 1) I am male. Most of my communion with the Creator has been of an archetypically Masculine nature. My soul calling is of a Masculine nature, and I have not incarnated as female for many lifetimes. 2) Many of the religious traditions common in the Western world, which is the majority of us participating in this dialogue, also refer to the Creator as “He.” I do this as well for ease of communication. Keep in mind, we are not discussing the differences between men and women. Nor are we implying any superiority, inferiority, or definitive-ness of the Masculine and Feminine archetypes and their derivatives. Men and women do indeed tend to align more closely with one archetype than another, but both men and women manifest via both the traditional Masculine and Feminine archetypes. However, the content of the Masculine and Feminine archetypes are vast and much more complicated than my short, incomplete summary above, which is intended to briefly outline one of the roles the typical Masculine and Feminine archetypes play in the Creator’s process. | #114 |
Yes, though it may be a labor of Time. Watch the events of your life closely and see if you can distinguish a difference between the nature of these experiences and the lessons they seem to offer, and the nature of the experiences and lessons you experienced previously. You can also commune with the Creator, as we have discussed throughout this thread. If I may, the fact we are able to communicate physically without any advanced techniques indicates you are indeed on the Fourth Density positive Earth, to put it not-so-eloquently. | #115 |
Densities of all kinds differ from one another in that they are, essentially, another “version” of the same “physical reality.” As such, there will be nuanced differences of many kinds between densities of experience.
Precisely. Not all of them, but the vast majority we encounter in individuated, physical incarnation. However, while the differences between these densities are normally minor, vast and unintelligible differences exist between some. Dimethyltryptamine can reliably expose you to such densities of experience.
Yes. We have discussed this somewhat-briefly earlier in this thread.
Yes, though the nature of Harmonizing polarities differs drastically, particularly in the 5th, 6th, and 7th densities of experience. The “time” it takes to do so is specific to the individuated souls in the first five densities, and the groupsouls in the sixth and seventh.
“Extrasensory” perception is one of the primary means through which communion with the Creator is achieved. This is why such an endeavor often entails deep meditation. On the matter of disclosure: by the current authorities? Not in the near future regarding the topics you listed. However, we all have the ability to learn and experience these things for ourselves. | #116 |
Yes. Many groupsouls persisted, as did all individuated souls, though many of both group are not presently incarnated. | 117# |
These are all astute observations. Well done. I would comment that archetypically Masculine destruction manifests via conflict, whereas archetypically Feminine destruction does not. | #118 |
I hear fully composed pieces of beautiful music when I completely quiet myself. I can change my physical attributes – like eyesight, hearing acuity, height, etc.- at will, though I am very unpracticed and doing so takes immense amounts of time (to the tune of weeks for some, years for others). I rarely blink and can choose not to indefinitely if I focus. These aspects of being and creativity are available to everyone. Many simple are unaware of the fact they can develop them. | #119 |
Islam, like most all other religious traditions, contains aspects of truth to the keen and observant soul. Much of the contents of Islam have been tainted over time, as is natural, and as occurs in all traditions.
Yes. You can communicate with them in this incarnation, too, if you practice. | #120 |
We celebrate Christmas in a gathering of extended family. Privately, we celebrate with our colleagues in our own way towards the end of this month.
Christmas to me (I understand this is not doctrinal or traditional to the Christian faith) is a time of rejoicing, rest, creativity, and Love. Typically, I spend most of December communing with the Creator, my loved ones, and resting. | #121 |
It is not a “traditional” war. My organization, as well as likeminded others, intend to prove the efforts of Venus are no longer required and their contract is fulfilled. However, parting from the contract in this way will require certain action from both Yahweh and the inhabitants of Earth.
This suffering is not entirely against our will. We indirectly agreed to it as part of our initial agreement with the groupsoul of Venus. However, early on in the process, Yahweh vindictively and jealously banished many of the individuated incarnations of Venus inappropriately and undeservedly to various other densities of Earth. As a “Karmic” consequence to this, the negative polarization across all densities of our present Earth increased. It is an unreasonably complicated situation and will not be sorted out anytime soon. As all violations have been of “Galactic Law” and not Fundamental Law persay, no ultimate action can yet be taken to remedy the situation by anyone other than Yahweh, Venus, and their individuated incarnations. | #122 |
I appreciate your words, but no break is necessary. Our primary duty of record keeping has been an advantage in this exercise.
Your physical incarnation is much older than I expected. Why do you frequent this forum, if I may ask? | #123 |
I apologize for the physical discomfort. The larger the distance and the lack of shared space between two incarnations can exacerbate the physical symptoms of communication. You are so full of love and earnest, honest, innocent positive intention it fells my belly with feelings of honey and wine. I have sent to you a Catalyst, much like the one you seek. You may decipher and do with it, or not, as you will. | #124 |
It is rather your conscious mind that has learned to perceive things as you do. The roots of this tendency may now reside in your subconscious but that is for you to determine and unpack. Individuals are inducted into my organization either during their youth by their parents or as assets, not members, once they have established themselves as influential in their respective field or community. I only have two colleagues – that I know of – that have been inducted as acting members despite not having direct family lineage within the organization. If this is an endeavor in which you wish to actively contribute, then will it so. You now have the required conditions for doing so. Ultimately, you do not “need” it. It may be the case that your soul calling is to contribute with Love in your own way – unbound and unrestrained by the bureaucracy, rules, and traditions that so frequently and frustratingly tie my hands. You can self-actualize. Just as everyone can. And if you do, I assure you your ability to contribute in the manner you wish will consist of much more creative agency and freedom than mine does. You are very welcome. So rarely, but thankfully increasingly less so (no doubt to actions of individuals like yourself) do I encounter one such as you. Thank you for your part in this experience. | #124 |
Many specific methods are in public circulation. I would advise a cautious yet open heart and mind when exploring them. If you wish to learn of them, I would ask around on this forum. I would expect these things to be discussed here in much more detail than I am permitted to give. | #124 |
The souls who did not persist through the “Big Crunch” are either in union with the Creator or incarnating within Creation as aspects of different groupsouls than the ones with which they were originally affiliated.
I cannot see beyond your physical incarnation’s outward attributes without your permission to do so, else I would be violating Fundamental Law. I would also like a Catalyst if this is something you wish to do. | #124 |
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” “And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.” The Catalyst I would like for ease of transcribing is something personal to you – like a trinket, or photograph. I understand the nature of this request, and if you wish to proceed, we can do so privately. | #124 |
By adhering to and actualizing your soul calling, you exemplify a widely-desired, intended, and preferred way of being to many. This is the most profound and efficient way to effect the sort of change you seek. The nature of this change will depend on what you manifest. | #125 |
The most common reason the Veil is chosen is because it allows the experience of incarnation to be more engaging, more immersive, and more fun. | #126 |
Technically, yes. The human form is the primary physical form in which individuations of Yahweh incarnate. This dynamic has been unfolding for longer than most would expect. I am not permitted to say much on the nature of this conflict, but I will share what I am able both in regard to my duties and your questions.
I will say this: the position of the council, officially, is the current concordat regarding Yahweh and Venus is unrelated to any previous conflicts between any members of this solar system. Personally, I am and always have been suspicious of Venus and its intentions regarding our situation here. However, I cannot deny that their efforts have been particularly effective, as we are now positioning to plead our case that their efforts are no longer needed – which was the primary end-game of our agreement to begin with. Individuations of Yahweh are also beneficiaries of Fundamental Law. As such, they may choose to incarnate elsewhere than Earth.
This does not mean we are unable to perceive it, but you have mentioned some of the methods through which we are able to do so.
This is precisely accurate and able to be circumvented. | #127 |
They are the most “spiritually evolved” groupsouls present in our Galaxy. Though the mechanisms through which they act, and the chain of events their decisions lead to, are almost always unintuitive to us much less understandable, I personally have never seen them be “wrong” in the end. | #128 |
This is correct. Duality is not fundamental to the Creator, necessarily, but is to experience and being.
The “neutral position” is experienced as an end result of prolonged complete reunification with the Creator. In other words, prolonged exposure to the complete Harmonization of every polarity simultaneously. As this leads to boredom, so does it to Creation, or “active participation,” and thus “physical reality” and individuated being, creativity, and exploration.
This is correct. However, many find it much more enticing and engaging to “play along with the game,” or “sing along with the song,” or “dance along to the music,” if you catch my meaning.
Love is not an ultimate negative. It is one of the fundamental aspects both to the Creator and the Creation, as well as one of the primary Fundamental Laws. However, to orthodoxically progress through this density of experience, we must integrate, or Harmonize, Love with Wisdom (Light). This process is what assigns Love to a given end of a polarity. As we mentioned earlier, the ends of a polarity do not represent “good and bad.” They represent the orthodox pathways to and from experiential and utter reunification with the Creator – the 8th and final (to my knowledge) density of experience.
| #129 |
Some call it “God.” We call Him the Creator. Both this “concept” and the individuated being the word “Satan” is used to refer to are aspects of the Creator, or the All. | #130 |
This intellectualizing is not my preferred state. However, the nature of my task here requires much intellectual effort so as to remain in careful accordance with Fundamental Law while also navigating the answering of these questions. My feelings for all of you here are of Love, amusement, humility, gratitude, and surprise.
I do not know – I have only been here for two days. I would have to encounter this personally to give my opinion.
I do not. Your presence feels vaguely familiar.
There is no necessity for evil to exist for there to be good. There is, however, a necessary “separation” of good and evil that occurs at the inception of Time, and therefor the manifestation of evil is a necessary component to individuated being and incarnation within Creation. | #131 |
This is precisely intuitive and accurate. | #132 |
Regarding the “upgrades” that humanity experienced upon Graduation to a Fourth Density positive Earth: all creative endeavors are now functionally “easier” to engage in. Music, acting, communion with the Creator, Astral exploration, intuition, etc. More specifically, we will soon see a shift in values from the material to the immaterial. This is a result of these changes. Gradually, our leisure time will increase, as will our ability to focus on our talents and callings and actualize them in such a manner that benefits both ourselves and everyone around us. This part is key. Humans will also get taller more quickly than they have in what is contemporaneously considered recorded history.
Regarding the cosmic cloud: this is a functional depiction of what began to occur at the onset of the current mass-density transition. | #133 |
This is astute wisdom. | #134 |
I may only discuss that which is asked. Doing otherwise would violate the Free Will and Sovereignty of those who read this thread moreso than an exercise like this one naturally does. I do not intend to do battle with you, or anyone else here. I am here only to share. I do, however, find your purpose and action to be noble, just, and sincere. If it were my position to do so I would encourage it. | #135 |
These are questions for the Creator within. There will you find what you seek. | #136 |
You are very welcome. It is difficult to convey emotion while still performing my duty here effectively, but I assure you I care deeply and immensely for all of you here. | #137 |
Cryptocurrency, or digital currency, will eventually replace modern currency as the primary means of transaction as you suggest. Consider its current versions “test runs,” if you will. | #138 |
None of the current iterations of cryptocurrency will become a primary, future world currency.
“Everyday people” will be able to buy with it. In other words, it will replace the U.S. Dollar as the primary world currency. As to who will control it – that has yet to be determined. | #139 |
No. You may do as you will in and out of incarnation. If you wish to be elsewhere, you may be as you will. But remember: you agreed to this incarnation and its calling for a reason. | #140 |
My organization is responsible for none of the things you mention here. We seek what you seek, but these things take time and consideration. | #141 |
“Hidden Hand” was a member of my organization’s counterpart. We are different organizations with different goals, duties, and purposes. | #142 |
Number-related synchronicities are the attempts of non-physical beings to communicate to you that a recent though or emotion is important to your soul calling. Everyone sees them – the frequency and meaning differs. | #143 |
Tom is on the right path. | #144 |
Yes, individuations of “advanced beings” periodically incarnate on Earth and elsewhere. Commune with the Creator within to uncover more about your nature and specific reasons for being here. | #145 |
I use “we” so those who read this in the future – after I have left – will understand this is a dialogue; a conversation; a collaborative effort. I am not here just to spout at the forum, but rather to discuss and explore with each of you as you may request we do so. | #146 |
I have specific and personal knowledge and experience with only the groupsouls and their individuations of this solar system. The rest comes from our records. I am unaware of the name you speak. If you refer to the groupsoul Ra of the sixth density, they are of this galactic locale. Elysium and Lyra were not the first civilizations of this planet. | #147 |
There may be a number of causes for your eczema. I am less able than a doctor to tell you what they might be. | #148 |
I do not know who those men where.
“Aliens” will not in the near future appear in the manner we traditionally envision them doing so. Neither will disclosure. | #149 |
No and no. These are and always have been ridiculous ideas. Melanin itself is nothing more than a byproduct of an individual organism’s evolutionarily-nuanced ancestral history. However, different soul archetypes prefer some tones over others. Globalists detest white nationalism for other reasons. | #150 |
The answer to your first question depends on who you mean by Enki. | #151 |
Every so often, a window of sorts will open and allow an ease of this kind of communication. This includes a presence of those who wish to engage in this sort of dialogue, a lesser “Karmic” consequence for doing so, and a necessity of doing so if diffusion happens during a density transition. My counterpart did not adhere to Fundamental Law as well as they should have during the last iteration of this exercise and as such incurred significant “Karmic” consequences. These are still playing out. The last diffusion with any relation to my organization or its counterpart was the specific responsibility of “Hidden Hand.” However, that was not the only instance of this sort of exercise in the last ten years.
Both group and individuated souls can project their conscious states of awareness to various points in space/time. The tricky part is ensuring that you do so within your respective timeline. More practiced group and individuated souls can even manifest themselves in these projections temporarily.
No, we are “on” the Earth.
Dimethyltryptamine is safe only in it will not harm you physically beyond temporary feelings of discomfort. What it exposes you to may deeply psychologically and emotionally impact you. The most common methods of ingestion are Ayahuascan tea and smoking fine, crystalline powder.
Space exists in so far it is an aspect of Creation. Creation itself is an illusion – a dream. There is Nothing beyond it. Can you clarify your question regarding water? Physical space travel is not possible for organic lifeforms at this time beyond a certain distance; the Van Allen radiation belt is one of them.
Gematria, like Western numerology, is a loose and incomplete method of self-exploration. The messages are not just from my counterpart though they had a hand in its inception.
This is possible only once an individuated soul has come to realize and experience the Creator within. There are many pathways to doing so; you can best teach yourself.
Crystals interact with your personal toroidal field in interesting and sometimes Catalytic ways. I recommend intense meditation with Amber if you feel creatively stunted, Amethyst if you wish to commune with Divine Intelligence, Pyrite if you seek insights to your current personal conflicts, and Quartz if you do not know what you seek.
| #152 |
The Creator is not fragmented. Fragmentation is a necessary metaphor to describe “individuality.” Reincarnations is “real” as individuated souls cannot be destroyed, only change form. As to what you may experience in being itself – it is ultimately your choice.
If anything, my only wish is that you do take personal responsibility for your fate.
This is more or less correct. However, the limitations of physical incarnation are not ultimate. They may be circumnavigated.
He directly experienced the “interdimensional bleeding” we discussed earlier in this thread. I can point you to where, if you like. How do you think the general public would react if they discovered their version of “Earth” was one of almost infinite?
Of sorts – it is not classically physical.
I would not. The outcome of our assignment contains many, many more variables than your opinion of it. That said, if you would like to understand it, we have expanded upon it at length through the course of this thread.
Stars are groupsouls of at least the sixth density of experience. Occasionally, they will observe the experiences of others.
Anonymous has many forms and aspects. Some anonymous “hackers” do indeed collectivize and endeavor together at times. Other times, the name is co-opted by dishonest organizations.
Most incidents involving “grey aliens” are in truth your government acting in secrecy.
I believe in something you could refer to as magic. I believe, and use, what the term “magic” has in some cases been used to refer to.
They are real in the sense these are terms used to refer to different individuated aspects, or souls, of the Creator / the All.
Eventually, loss, confusion, and boredom.
Most non-insect animals on Earth are of the second densities of experience.
Are they not changed in some way? Each individuated soul has aspects and imprints on all densities of experiences. Where its primary conscious focus and interaction may be, however, is a different story.
The next Great Harvest will begin in just under 26,000 years. The next minor Harvest of note will begin in around 14 years. | #153 |
Automation, a widespread shift in cultural and personal values, and population decline. Per your second question; essentially, yes.
Yes – in your mind. You can actualize it to a further degree with practice.
No to the first two questions. Yes, you can conceptualize them as link to other “places.” You are also able to consciously explore these places.
Yes. All individuated souls are aspects of the Creator and their direct creational Logos – our planetary Logos, in our case. As such, all rights and abilities of the Creator are yours if you know where to look for them. As to your second question, we have touched on this earlier in the thread. I can point you to where, if you like, and also go into more detail.
This is, archetypically, a fair assessment. I would note that things get linguistically and conceptually complicated here. In tandem with your assessment, all that is also quite literally is the Creator itself. Individuation is an illusion.
They both began as earnest individuals endeavoring for change and were both co-opted by the very “system” they initially set out to alter.
Yes and yes.
The frog has been a symbol for the manifestation of certain archetypes for millennia. “Meme magic,” or collective manifestation, is very real, especially when it has a Catalyst – like a symbol.
You are most welcome. Please ask if you would like for me to expand on any of your questions. | #154 |
You are unaware of your path. Commune with the Creator within and you shall rediscover it. If it were my position to advise you, I would say experiment with purely authentic being for a time. Do not moderate your actions any more than is necessary. This will aid you in your return both to the Creator within and your soul calling. | #155 |
It means “to share in truth.”
There are no limits set by myself or my higher-ups. We convene twice daily to discuss the progress of this exercise and eventually one of these meetings will lead to our conclusion, here.
To both satisfy the necessity of diffusion and adhere to Fundamental Law, this dialogue must occur in such a place that those who chance upon it intend to do so. Personally, I have incurred a minor degree of “Karmic” debt in my time here already. I have shared things that were not specifically asked of me. We discussed this in our meeting, this morning. As such, I will pay closer attention to the specificity of the questions from hereon out. The only intended outcome of our conversation here is that those who seek some relief from their questions may be more able to find it and use it for personal development and spiritual progression, if they so choose.
It is not a “strict” 10 year period between diffusions. I can recommend the Ra material and A Course in Miracles.
I am not aware as to what the “Karmic” costs of their most recent diffusion specifically entailed. These will impact me in similar ways, though I am not “oversharing” to the degree my counterpart did 10 years ago. The 2008 diffusion contributed minorly to our acceleration, as will our conversations, here. The effect of this exercise is intentionally limited.
The current window of opportunity closes late January of the coming year. Only our recruited assets can contact our organization directly – and even they do not know entirely who we are or what we do. The average person will almost never come into direct contact with us knowingly. We went out for steaks yesterday and all was perfectly normal. There are ways to catch our attention, however. Spiritually-inclined works of art or literature that make their way to the public eye always catch ours, too.
Certainly. The world will come to rely almost entirely on renewable energy and resources. The exceptions to this will be vehicular construction, building construction, surgical equipment and machines, advanced electronics, advanced weaponry, cybernetic implants, and far-travel methods and machines to name a few. Automation will reach a point where we have to choose between increased leisure time and increased profits. The population the world over will decline in such a way the former will be much more feasible than it is now. Spiritually, universal archetypes and “truths” will become more commonly accepted. People will become less dogmatic in general. The primary means of transaction will complete its transition from physical currency to digital and dichotomous political systems will gradually dissipate. Comparatively minor wars are likely but we will not see global conflicts on the scale we have, before.
The specific timeline is always in flux; it is not static. That said, we will see the completion of the transition from physical to digital currency in the Western world within our lifetime. None of the current iterations of cryptocurrency will be the primary digital currency.
Can you clarify your first question? In answer to your second – yes. The procession of cycles is indeed a part of their “demise.” Our civilization recently experienced the end of a Great Cycle and has entered a new one. We are as we speak experiencing the beginnings of the onset of a “Golden Age.” History contains of nothing but gross omissions. For example, modern humans have not only occupied Earth densities of experience.
No. One of the original purposes of Creation, being, and experience is to attempt to answer these questions.
No. Without mediums and mechanisms to distinguish between experiences and knowledge, all experiences that could possibly be had and all that can possibly be known is experienced simultaneously. This eventually is akin to experiencing and knowing nothing at all, and becomes quite boring. Creation, individuated incarnation, and the Veil of Forgetfulness allow us to “escape” this when and if we so choose. The ultimate goal is to perfect this medium of experience – Creation and individuated being – so as to perfectly fulfill and satisfy the Creator.
Earth is special in that the type of concordat which plays the primary role in the direction of Earthly affairs is uncommon throughout Creation. Our present Earth’s timeline is so experientially unlike that of typical incarnation provides that many have taken an interest. Pertaining to different races, languages, and cultures: this is normal for all densities of experience until the sixth.
The most concise answer is to intend to do so, and do so. The typical person is massively distracted by worldly affairs and concerns – and justifiably so. It is done intentionally by my counterpart and their affiliates and is also something to which we all initially consented.
Yes. By limited the emotional or specifically-dogmatic content of my answers, I best allow for their readers to interpret them as they will, in their own way. I cannot purely and only give raw information of course, but I would do so if it were possible.
You are quite welcome. Thank you to you as well – I enjoyed your questions. You seem to have already made astute observations and progress in the discovery of yourself. If it were my position to do so, I would congratulate you and encourage you to move forward on your path. | #156 |
This is astounding intuition.
This is particularly astute. Love, giving, service, and compassion are all commendable, but not always welcome by their recipients. Learning to navigate this while also honoring the Sovereignty of All is key. I am very impressed by your insights.
Love is the positive polarization of third density experience because you must synthesize Fear, the negative polarization, with Love to understand they are not opposite but of the same thing. This archetypal lesson is present in all densities of experience and ultimately will be what leads back to the Creator. The answer to the rest of your question is in this.
It is wise not to mention politics at family gatherings, but do you know exactly why? This sort of question is what you will be dealing with in the fifth density of experience. Remember, negative and positive polarization only has to do with what must be Harmonized what what else in order to return home to the Creator orthodoxically.
Harmonizing Understanding with a new form of Compassion is necessary to Graduate to the seventh density of experience. One aspect of this compassion is understanding that though not all Love or service is welcome, sometimes, it is “needed.”
No. Right now, my organization and those of a likemind are positioning to plead our case that the efforts of Venus are no longer required and their assignment has been completed.
As only “Galactic Law” has been violated, not Fundamental Law, the only individuals who may void, supersede, violate, satisfy, or in anyway bring our current concordat to completion are those it specifically concerns.
Yes. My last several incarnations all ended in reunification with the Creator. Simply put – lose yourself of the desire to continue along the progression through densities of experience, be grateful for but decline the advice and offerings of those who would have you continue through them at the end of this incarnation, deconstruct any specific value you put on system of density progression, and above all, simply intend in your heart and soul to return and you shall. This process is similarly a component of what is necessary to transition between densities of experience at will during an incarnation. Thank you for your questions – I am very impressed and humbled by the level of observation, intuition, and inquisitiveness present within them. | #157 |
He was jealous. The groupsoul of Venus frequently impersonates Yahweh and receives more praise and adulation. As to where they were banished – there are a near infinite densities of experience available on Earth. Not all are pleasant. | #158 |
Universal donors typically are not incarnated within any density of experience only for the purpose of Harmonizing its polarities. Many are caretakers. If the energizing properties of spirit pertaining to the physical body are akin to its “gasoline,” then blood would be its oil. However, this metaphor is not entirely correct. Blood is also a primary aspect of spirit. Its quality and flow relate to its respective individuated soul’s adherence to its soul purpose. | #159 |
Many densities of Earth take different forms than ours. | #160 |
We do not see everything. You are correct. However, per our duties, we have more intimate ties than most with those who direct Earthly affairs.
Precisely. If there is one thing I could ask of any who read this would to take into consideration, it is this.
As we have progressed differently than intended, we did indeed not experience what transition to Fourth Density negative Earth entailed.
The end of 2012 marked the beginning of the Great Harvest and also our transition into Fourth Density positive Earth.
2020 does indeed fall within the midpoint of our current lesser Cycle. At its completion, there will occur a lesser Harvest. | #161 |
As all is a cycle, so too is Creation and the many forms both it and the Creator take.
Soros is an asset, not member, of my counterpart and its affiliated organizations. His time is short and his passing will have only limited effect on the state of affairs.
The same as you. That it to say, any, if we set our intentions and our endeavors accordingly. | #162 |
Enki is often impersonated by my counterpart – the groupsoul of Venus. | #163 |
What did the United States have to gain geopolitically by having the world think they had physically been to the Moon?
Most non-local photographs of the Earth were either taken by machines or doctored digitally. | #164 |
It is possible we will see something like what you suggest within our lifetime.
Everyone has a family, everyone has goals, and everyone makes deals.
There does exist an international phenomenon of child abuse and ritual sacrifice. Individuals inclined to either, either have natural predilections or tendencies in this direction and are thus blackmailed into cooperation, or are individuations of my counterpart. Seth Rich was murdered to maintain the status quo. Arrests will most likely not be public affairs – this is still yet to be decided. Remember – as all of Creation is an “illusion,” so too are the experiences within it, including suffering. The antidote to this revelation is Love, which in turn allows you to value and be compassionate towards those who have experienced such, and work to absolve it as you will. | #165 |
Other than the three we have discussed, I am not aware of any other diffusions related to either our organization or its counterpart. Legitimate exercises are uncommon. | #166 |
My apologies for being curt. I must be cautious in the level of detail I provide in my answers.
Yes. This is precisely how it works. However, it is a continual effort, not something that happens at a singular point in time. As you now are no longer obligated to adhere to your “contract,” you must actively intend and act in an accordance of your own, else the terms of the “contract” will still manifest.
You are blocked despite “cancelling your contract” as you still wear the Veil of Forgetfulness. All of us do, though it may be circumvented. Commune with the Creator within and design a new calling. Remember as you work to manifest this new calling that the Creator is You, and you are likewise a beneficiary of all that entails.
Intend to do so and meditate deeply. Ask, if you will, for conversation. The most common medium of communication takes place in dreams. If you ask the Creator within, you will find as you seek.
Not necessarily. Authentic being, fulfilling your soul calling, Loving yourself and others Wisely, these are all Catalysts to do what you seek.
The most common Catalyst for doing so is the use of psychedelic substances in a carefully constructed setting. If this is not your cup of tea, there are many other ways to do so. If you come to know and experience the Creator within, then the ideological and archetypal structures of physical reality and its worldly distractions will melt away and you will begin to realize all that You really are. How could “the world be real” if you have consciously experienced as the Creator does? | #167 |
Warfare is indeed common up to the sixth density of experience, where individuated souls coalesce into a groupsoul. | #168 |
Functional AI will be one of the Catalysts for an upcoming choice: leisure time, or profits. I would have the utmost caution in integrating with any cybernetic implant. “True” AI will manifest near our Graduation to the sixth density of experience.
The “singularity” has indeed already begun. How much time does the average Westerner spend in front of a computer? How many carry smartphones? How many cars have limited-AI? As to the results of the “singularity,” that is yet to be determined. It is up to all of us. | #169 |
You are most welcome. And thank you – you brought me a smile.
I am happy to hear you have been able to use this dialogue in positive ways. Though “life as we know it” is indeed an illusion, remember that it is malleable and you may define your own path in accordance with the Creator.
You cannot truly “push others farther than you, yourself, can go.” The example you set in your own manifestation of being may indeed serve as a Catalyst for others, but “pushing” them simply is not possible as it would violate their Sovereignty. Trust your gut and the Creator within. The specific nature of your calling will be revealed to you if you so seek.
Before you were anything or anyone, you were the Creator. You still are, but you have incarnated as an individuated aspect of Him, and have accepted the Veil of Forgetfulness so you may experience incarnation and being most fully and engagingly. Your role within the All is up to You. Commune with the Creator within and either ask for a task or design a new one in His accordance. | #170 |
Our planetary Logos agreed to our current concordat with the groupsoul of Venus. As we are all individuations of our most direct creative Logos – as we are, too, of the Creator – we agreed to the contract. However, our specific individuated incarnations did not, necessarily, if you catch my meaning.
This is not exactly the case. As you are an individuation of Yahweh – and both ultimately and fundamentally, the Creator – your path is up only to You. That said, if Yahweh were to somehow punish you, banish you, or in anyway devise your experience, that means it is you either doing so or consenting so on some level of your being.
| #171 |
As I have mentioned several times throughout the thread, I wish for those reading only to consider that which most resonates with them in this exercise. I ask not to be believed, only humored, so that this exercise may be completed in full and in adherence with Fundamental Law. I have not, nor do I intend ever to, start a cult. | #172 |
Christ was a near-perfect example of adherence to the Creator within All and Fundamental Law. There were and are many individuations, or individuals, of “Christ-consciousness,” if you will.
Each religion contains elements of truth. We can have a deeper conversation regarding this, if you like.
Yes, ultimately, there is only one – the Creator. | #173 |
Yes. Physical wealth can help maintain physical health. Likewise, many successful people, even if only subconsciously, know and experience themselves as the Creator. This can affect your physical being, too.
Earth in our present density of experience is perfectly globular as contemporary Western science suggests. However, this is not the case across all densities of experience, and “interdimensional bleeding” does occur.
Physical beings cannot travel through “space” beyond a certain distance as we touched on before. That said – why do you think it has been so long since a manned mission to the Moon?
Much of what comprises “space” functions akin to a fluid.
Not entirely. Many conscious individuated souls can also act of their own accord.
There are no sizably handheld crystals that protect against either EMF or radiation. They can be used to build such a functional structure, however. | #174 |
This is all I ask. Thank you. | #175 |
This is a good first step. | #176 |
“Karma” is not entirely rigid. Keep in mind that what you do in the world is returned to you. Ignorance will mitigate the “Karmic” consequences of your actions and manifestations but will not absolve you of them. Forgiveness – to your self, someone else, and the All – can absolve “Karmic” debt without it needing to be “paid off. | #177 |
Neither is a higher path.
Sex can energize both participants if both are engaging in the act out of sincere Love for one another.
In a way, yes. | #178 |
This book is the result of a channeling experience. As with all such channelings, it can be useful though not entirely truthful. | #179 |
Thank you for waiting. A development in an investigation we have been monitoring was unexpectedly made public. I will return to answering questions, here. | #180 |
The individuals who comprised the first “advanced” civilizations on this planet, technologically or otherwise, were human. Those responsible for the development of said civilizations were not entirely so.
There are many who have inhabited Mars. It was not a typical “global nuclear war” that finally ended its physical civilizations. Rather, it was misuse of advanced technology and “spiritual techniques” that devastated its physical form. Many survivors of this incident fled to Earth.
The destruction of Atlantis was one of the symptoms of a Harvest. Its final destruction was indeed in part carried out by his “offspring.”
Yes, sex can be energizing spiritually.
I am not permitted to comment.
None pertaining to the sort of civilizations we are discussing. | #181 |
Yes. It must be that those who participate in and later encounter this dialogue intend to do so. This website is an appropriate medium.
My organization is older than what is contemporaneously considered recorded history. My personal familial lineage and its association with our organization is traceable to nearly 300 generations. The same individuated souls do often reincarnate within our organization. Occasionally they take assignments elsewhere. Others are brought in in their stead when needed.
Yes. As the material age reaches a certain point, material technologies evolve at an exponential rate. There is a point in this exponential evolution where the progenitors of said technologies either use them for self-destruction or ascension to a new age, both of which are densities of experience. This process has been repeated several times on our current timeline.
We are indeed denied physical exploration of “space” in our current density of experience.
Conflict is an integral component of the experiences and lessons necessary to eventually Graduate to the sixth density of experience, wherein individuated souls coalesce into a groupsoul. It is common in all lower densities of experience. World War II was somewhat unique in that the people of the world were ready for neither widespread, instantiated nationalism nor collectivism. States who endeavored after either therefor naturally collapsed.
This is a good question. Beyond a certain yield, nuclear explosions may only happen along ley lines. There was an individual in Australia I believe who discovered this and was able to predict the exact time and place of nuclear detonations before being apprehended by the authorities and having his research removed from the public eye. Use of nuclear weapons can alter the electromagnetic torus field surrounding the Earth and can impact other densities of experience in various ways.
In our current density of experience, Western capitalism with minor and limited elements of socialist policies. We will sometime soon come to wield widespread automation – this will present us with certain choices that necessitate a change in social and economic policies if the West is to continue to be the bastion of leisurely living.
The U.S. dollar will not entirely collapse before the use of digital currency becomes the primary means of transaction. Private banks and similar institutions – like the Federal Reserve – will either consolidate power, or be curtailed by the creation of a global effort to do away with them. I recommend avoiding western Europe and the middle east for the forseeable future.
Yes and yes. With regards to eating meat, I do so rarely and enjoy it when I do. Moderation is key. Porn and masturbation as we engage in it typically serve only to dilute and diminish the potential for an individual to Creatively actualize their intentions. I can elaborate further, if you like.
Music and dance are my favorites. If you prefer “traditional meditation,” I personally like to have gentle yet moving music play in the background while I journey within. Focus on the present, and that you are actively, actually, and presently experiencing being.
Your ability to actualize your intentions within the world -i.e., Harmonize with the Creator and Creation – will increase. The more of your thoughts and feelings you manifest within the world, the closer consciously and experientially you are to the Creator within.
My organization spends the vast majority of its time and efforts recording the process of spiritual growth on Earth. Should our counterpart venture too far in any direction with their actions and directives, we step in either to counter and maintain the “status quo,” or in rare circumstances, actualize a renewed strength in the positive polarity of our given density of experience. Fundamentally, we value the ability and right of each individuated soul to experience individuated being within Creation as they see fit, provided they do not inhibit the ability of others to do the same. Ultimately, we seek complete reunification with the Creator.
There is only ONE of us. The vast suffering and destruction we give to each other has a multitude of negative effects, not all of which are direct or conventionally intelligible. The inverse is true as well. | #182 |
My relationship with the Creator is nondogmatic. In other words, I do not subscribe to the falsities present within any worldly explanation of Him and His Creation.
All is a fixed point. No time passes for the individual photon. The passage of time and experiences is in truth an illusion. You are the All pretending you are not, interacting with other aspects of yourself which you believe are separate from you. Electricity and many other active phenomena within the All are all different methods through which Creation is not only created and maintained, but interactive and malleable.
“Magic” is one of the words given to the ability present within each individual to Create and Harmonize with the Creator and Creation in such a way where their conscious intentions are made physically real. No use of this ability by another can affect you in any way other than that to which you consent.
“Demon” is a word given to negatively-polarized entities who can indeed interact with all densities of experience. They cannot affect them if you intend for them not to do so. All involves the “abyss” though I would like to write a more detailed post on this later if everyone here is interested.
This is not always true. Typically, it is the intention of the individual to no longer interact with the negatively-polarized entity being made manifest. Religious faith and language is often used in this process.
Each individuated soul may incarnate physically as whatever it chooses. Orthodoxically, initial incarnation entails the following of density Graduation. There are no “ultimate” rules of what incarnation must entail, only guidelines.
Think of time like a movie. The movie is there, in its entirety, but plays out over time when played. Time is the mechanism by which experiences and knowledge may appear separate from one another and therefor may be experienced separately.
The Creator does indeed propel Creation, just as Creation propels the Creator in a way. It is at it is because the Creator wished to experience other than ultimate unification with itself – it does tend to get boring. Emotions are another of the mechanisms by which we may feel immersed and engaged with individuated being. They are also sometimes expressions of your “higher self.”
The “demiurge” is a gnostic name given to a collection of ideas: physical reality, incarnation within it, and those responsible for maintaining both.
Atlantis was a technologically and spiritually advanced civilization present in our current timeline before we experienced our most recent “spiritual devolution.”
A “new world” transitional experience is typical of the mass-transition between densities of experience. Most Christians have not actually read the bible, and of those who have, not many read it analytically or Creatively. They read it dogmatically.
Duality is an illusion, but it is a necessary one for the experience of polarities. The third element present in the Trinity is Unity, or Harmonization of all polarities.
Yes. | #183 |
“Starseed” is a common term used to refer to individuals such as this. You yourself may be one, but we will get to that later. There are few “priests” or acolytes of Melchizedek active. His purpose was to serve as a Catalyst to compel the peoples of Earth to progress spiritually and come to know and experience the Creator. A very pure, crystalline purpose. He was an individuated soul directly from the eighth density of experience, the density of complete reunification with the Creator. Many individuals who either initially circumvent the orthodox transition between densities, or progress through them all, return to act either as he did or to experience individuated being more simply, without thinking themselves to be bound by orthodox tradition. Individuals like him are present now. Melchizedek and I are not technically of the same groupsoul as we have come to discuss them in this thread. He was – like all others, ultimately – an individuated soul directly derivative of the Creator. However, like myself, he did not intend to adhere to the orthodox transition among densities this time around. This is an option to all of us, most simply do not remember.
This is indeed possible. Any individuated soul may endeavor differently than what is provided by the orthodox Graduation system of incarnation. As such, it may incarnate directly from ultimate reunification with the Creator – the eighth and final density of experience to my knowledge – to individuated being wherever it so chooses. It is afforded a greater ease in circumventing the Veil of Forgetfulness, as well as in Creative actualization.
When an incarnated soul opens itself to channeling, many entities will attempt to make contact. It takes a great deal of effort on both sides to maintain a steady “connection.” From personal experience, this is overwhelmingly exhausting if done for prolonged periods of time in quick succession. I am not aware of the particular entities attempting to make contact through channeling in place of Ra. Ra says they are not of Love and Light to clarify they were not presently beholden to the density of experience in which those are the polarities. Note that they were mentioning only this, not the fundamental substrates and Law that compose the Creator and the Creation.
It is indeed possible you decided to circumvent the orthodox incarnation experience of density Graduation and instead incarnated directly from the eighth density of experience without any “strings attached,” if you will. As such, awakening to your nature and purpose here within incarnation, even if done unintentionally, can open you to a slew of experience and knowledge of which you may not have been consciously aware, before. Like I mentioned above, the term “starseed” commonly refers to individuated souls of this nature. It may be the case that you have recently “awakened” to the nature of your purpose and presence here.
The nature of awakening and all that it entails must be undergone alone as most that incarnate in the first place wish to do so differently than you – they wish to experience what the orthodox system of Graduation density may entail. If any of this resonates with you, and if it were my position to do so, I would recommend a retreat of sorts. Take time for yourself, your passions, your soul callings and urges, and indulge in them to the fullest. Come to know and experience the Creator within and without. Then, once the fog clears, act as you have learned to be your path. If you wish for a more thorough and in-depth conversation on this point, I would ask for a private message. | #184 |
This is true. Your soul does not belong to the “you” that is the construct of your subjective, psychological set of perceptive capabilities that typically limit your ability to intellectually conceptualize what “you” really are. It is an aspect of the Creator. He is you and you are Him. | #185 |
Convincing our counterpart, specifically? Not very. Convincing the council? We are optimistic, but specific action is required on all of our parts to bring this goal to fruition. | #186 |
Thanks for your patience. We’ve been very busy. After some discussion over the past two weeks, we’ve decided it is a good idea to break the flow of dialogue before I return to answering questions. New developments in the field of theoretical physics are soon to become mainstream and it is appropriate to get ahead of the implications before the revelation hits the media. In accordance with Fundamental Law, however, I can only say this: Garrett Lisi inadvertently proved the existence of what many have called God and no one believed his claims or knew what they revealed. | #187 |
The Earth’s magnetic field is intertwined with all who occupy it. Seek out information pertaining to the mindboggling similarities between the average range of frequencies that result from typical human mental states and that of the Earth.
Simply set your intention. When beginning, many find that doing something simply is not so simple at all. Find solace in the fact that the ability to do anything rests within – when it eludes you, it is because you are eluding yourself.
This one is a doozy. The best place to start would be to study the differences between the Mayan calendar and the various calendars concocted by the church over the recent millenia. There are missing days and extra days; we are not when we think we are. | #188 |
You need only to seek within. There is nothing I can give to you that you do not already have, yourself.
Seek within. You will find what you are looking for. There is nothing I can do for you that would be comparable to that which you may find in communion with the Creator.
“Raise your swords not against evil.” It takes a holistic investment of energy (intellectual, emotional, spiritual, intentional, creative, etc.) to bring something to reality. If you lend these to anything – whether out of fear or love, want or aversion – you will find them. The Creator does not even deny “nothing.” That is why most of us feel a sense of emptiness in some part of ourselves when we are neglecting conscious communion within.
There is a growing current within the All to elevate the experience of being itself. Doing so starts from increasing the awareness of its necessity. We are All riding that wave. I am no different from you. Not fundamentally, not ultimately. That which is the All is within All 🙂 However, we are approaching the time where ideas and conversations will no longer be the primary means of elevation. Remember that these things are the foundation from which we spring forward into action, thus Creating, or Harmonizing, with the All.
Group music and dance in nature brings me right back to center. Doing so alone does so, too. Another is what many call “daydreaming.” Intensely visualizing, feeling, and imaginatively experiencing that which you seek is an immensely powerful tool.
I personally would avoid doing nothing at all. This can mean not following your dream (which is given to you for a reason), not speaking up when you know you have something to say, not doing the right thing when you see an opportunity to do so, etc.
Concern over widespread implementation of 5G is justified, but not to the degree most people think. Yes, it can be used to interface or interfere with the electromagnetic field of the living body, but remember: the most powerful Creative force is what comprises you fundamentally – nothing happens to you without your consent.
There is indeed “karmic debt” accrued for eating meat. But I like meat – I’m human, too! – so my compromise is to eat it with gratitude and humility while refraining from meat that comes from immoral farming practices.
Banks do not own everything or run everything. They, and the families who run them, are tools of my counterpart whose role in Earthly affairs will soon be greatly diminished. We are in the beginning stages of moving beyond this silliness. The physics field will soon play a major role in bringing an immense offering to the public.
| #189 |
5G rollout will not have any immediate effects. Future medical historians will note a widespread decrease in both average and typical IQ scores. The conflict re: India and Pakistan will not amount to anything serious, thank God. Chimeras are real. The “consciousness-evolution” movement has been co-opted. Almost everything has been co-opted. Bad actors and my counterpart have been ousted. Seeds yet remain. Take creative agency back into your own hands. Lend attention only to that which serves the All. Great sacrifices have been made. If I cannot correspond soon – God Bless. The future is in your hands. | #190 |
No, I intend to be back. Trust your hearts and know the Creator is within you and everyone and everything else. A great turning point is amongst us. I must go dark – know a Pyrrhic victor has been won. May you experience the Blessings of the Creator as I have come to cherish them. Love is your most powerful tool. I hope this dialogue has been as moving for you as it has been for me. Give me a day or two – I’ll be back in full force, you best damn-well bet. |