Christian Deism

In remembrance and respect of

John Henry Lindell
1930 – 2021

Site Owners story: Hello, I’m glad you’re here. What made me do all of this? Well it started with the question. Deism? It made more sense to me than most of the dogmas I have heard coming out of the churches I was attending and so I started looking into it more (Paine) but couldn’t wrap my head around nor believe that Jesus had no role in my “rejoining the flock” but after 30+ years as an atheist I considered maybe Jesus was just brainwashed into my head and I really only believed in the Most High only? Then, I wondered what would happened if I searched for “Christian Deism” and if it were a thing. Thanks to Brothers like John H. Lindell I found out it was & is. All of the paths I have been down these past few months there was always this thing in the back of my mind “how do I relate” and the word that kept popping in was deistic.

I went back to find out more about deism yet with my teacher Jesus fully involved and ran through Brother John’s site again via the Wayback Machine and said to myself I have to somehow find this brothers contact info and thank him. I found I was to late as Brother John had passed peacefully in his sleep at the age of 90 – October 9, 1930, – February 27, 2021.

I had noticed recently that his site had been offline for quite some time before his passing and remember thinking it was a shame that the information was not more widely available as the site is mentioned on some of the smaller blogs by other Christian Deists and anyone trying to follow those links would be brought to a site yes, but not with Brother John’s essays. While I myself am a “web geek” I knew that the Wayback Machine would serve the purpose of reading the material but what of others that were on their search for answers?

While using the Wayback Machine can be easy Brother John’s formatting of his original works while at the time was the “norm” they won’t show as nicely on mobile or other devices so I am going to be posting his essays here as well as a site I am creating just for his works which will adapt better and be easier on the eyes and of course there will be no monetizing of this what so ever. Brothers like John even as humble as I’m sure he was tend to be forgotten easily in a internet research type of way and all of his years of learning need to be shared. Even if only one other person ever takes his material to heart by either my or another reproduction of his essays it is well worth the time & effort.

I thank you Brother John and I hope to have a laugh with you someday!

If you are of Brother John’s family and have questions or concerns with my representation of his material please contact me.

Site owners note: These essays are the words, expressions, opinions & thoughts of Brother John H. Lindell. They do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and/or firm beliefs of either myself or all Deists, Christian Deists. I have the utmost respect for this brother and agree on almost all aspects but I wanted to state that I am posting these as reference for those seeking his works and not that I am pushing his material as the “hardline” facts a fellow brother or sister has to follow to associate as a Christian Deist. His work should not be lost and thus I have created these pages for others. His original site can be seen @ Web Archive Link – Includes all essays








I am happy to host this file on this site and on the dedicated site to brother John coming soon. Please feel free to download the free PDF

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