Philosophy & Thought

The Twelve Principles of Buddhism

1. Self-salvation is for any man the immediate task. If a man lay wounded by a poisoned arrow he would not delay extraction by demanding details of the man who shot it, or the length and make of the arrow. There will be time for ever-increasing understanding of the Teaching during the treading of the Way. Meanwhile, begin now by […]

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Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius – Game Changer

Friends, Today I want to explore with you the practical wisdom contained in Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Written nearly 2,000 years ago, this classic text remains hugely relevant for how to live a meaningful, ethical life even now in the 21st century. Marcus Aurelius was Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD. Though he ruled over a vast empire, Marcus

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Digital Awakening: Liberating Minds of the Virtual Cave

In a bustling metropolis, there existed a enormous community of individuals who had become enthralled by their smartphones and gaming consoles. The city streets were filled with people with their heads down, eyes fixed on screens, lost in a virtual reality. They had become prisoners of their own making, oblivious to the world unfolding around them. Among these digital captives

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