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One of My Top 3 Fave Alan Watts Lectures

The general title of these talks that I’m giving here is Mind over Mind, and I’m going into all the various problems which have to do with the control of the mind. And so I might introduce what I’m going to say by saying it from different points of view. For example, if you’re interested in communications, it will be […]

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Reading the Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus: Key Points

The Divine Pymander of Hermes Trismegistus refers to the “divine order” or the “universal laws” as the governing principles that shape the functioning of the cosmos and the spiritual realm. These laws represent the underlying structure and harmony of the universe. While the specific terminology and interpretation may vary across different spiritual and philosophical traditions, here are some commonly recognized

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Digital Awakening: Liberating Minds of the Virtual Cave

In a bustling metropolis, there existed a enormous community of individuals who had become enthralled by their smartphones and gaming consoles. The city streets were filled with people with their heads down, eyes fixed on screens, lost in a virtual reality. They had become prisoners of their own making, oblivious to the world unfolding around them. Among these digital captives

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Trusting the Echo Within: Navigating Words

Believe nothing you do not see or hear yourself, nothing that does not receive the echo of your Heart’s assent, for words are tricks and oft are used to skew the paths of Man. – Anonymous Trust only what you witness with your own eyes and hear with your own ears, my friends. Let not your beliefs be swayed by

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